Exhibitions Opened in the SUSU Library as Part of the Year of Science and Technology Events

As part of the Year of Science and Technology events in Russia, the SUSU Scientific Library has prepared an illustrated catalogue of rare books on natural and engineering sciences of the beginning of the 20th century:  Scientific and Educational Publications of 1900 – 1917.

Today, publications are not only a bibliographic rarity, but they also demonstrate how scientific and educational books of the early 20th century developed, and also provide an opportunity to trace the evolution and actualization of scientific thought. The collection includes publications on the development of various industries: rail, road, air, sea transport, bridge construction, industrial construction. The authors of the books are famous scientists, professors, academics, graduates of educational institutions of the pre-revolutionary Russia of various levels: higher educational institutions, non-classical secondary schools, cadet corps, educational schools. You can get acquainted with the publications presented in the catalogue in the Rare Books section of the library.

Traditionally, by the beginning of the academic year, the library organizes a viewing of the printed works of the university academic staff members – Intellectual Capital of SUSU. The current exhibit features 163 works by more than 260 authors published in central, regional publishing houses, as well as in the SUSU Publishing Centre in 2019–2021. For the first time, publications are presented, which did not enter the library fund, but were published by the Russian and international publishing houses in 2020–2021. The information on sources is provided with links to tables of contents, full texts and bibliometric data. You can get acquainted with monographs, educational publications, articles from collections of scientific papers, conference proceedings and the SUSU Bulletin in the Professorskiy reading room.

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